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The Fire Safety Event

8 - 10 APRIL 2025

NEC, Birmingham


Fire extinguishers

01 Mar 2025

Fike DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensing

Fike Safety Technology Stand: 4/H10

Fike offers real-time distributed temperature sensing (DTS) along the length of a fiber optic cable up to six miles long.

Learn how this early warning fire detection solution provides fast response and precise location of hazards even in the most challenging environments!

The Fike DTS fiber optic cable measures a complete temperature profile within seconds by transmitting pulses of laser light and analysing the return signal.

Particularly suited for large-scale infrastructures, this industry leading technology allows for a variety of alarm criteria including fixed temperature thresholds, temperature rate of rise and difference-to- zone average, all possible along the same cable run.

The system requires little maintenance, is immune to dirt, dust, corrosive environments, organic vapours, extreme temperatures, radiation and air currents, and accurately determines the size and direction of a spreading fire regardless of the conditions.

DTS Highlights

  • Wide application temperature range for -40 °F in freezers to 185 °F (85 °C) in manufacturing areas.
  • Certified and compliant with VdS EN 54-22, UL 521, ULC-S530, FM 3210 and 3010, and more.
  • Immune to EMC and RFI; ideal for tunnels, cable trays, transformers and generators.
  • Simple system integration with a Fike fire alarm control panel and SCADA/BMS.

Smartvision Software

This visualization software offers real-time colour- coded temperature readings, alarm zones and operational status throughout the cable run of your application, all on one easy-to-read screen. The software also records temperature history, so preventative measures may be performed based on trends in the data

Primary Applications

Vehicle Tunnels - Quickly detects vehicle fires in tunnels to alert local fire personnel and activate suppression systems and may also identify electrical fires in difficult-to-access interior walls.

Auto-Retrieval Warehouses - Ideal for environments where other detection may be ineffective at identifying early fires resulting from electrical shorts, overheated equipment, malfunctioning batteries, and more.

Airplane Hangars - May be routed throughout large hangars to detect fires created when welding sparks meet flammable hydraulic fluid, for example, and activate connected foam or water-suppression systems.

Marine Vehicle Decks - One undetected fire can quickly spread, resulting in exorbitant damage to the cargo and ship itself: Fike DTS. 


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The Safety & Security Event Series