How does Water Mist work?
A fire triangle comprises three elements …. and water mist reduces two of these elements, i.e. the heat AND the oxygen. Water mist is a performance-based technology! Which means that you will always get a bespoke system for your application which is based on a real scale fire test (not on computer-simulation). Water mist is not a “one-fits-all-concept”!
There are different water mist systems: low-pressure systems work with a pressure below 12.5 bar (or 181 psi). High-pressure systems work with a pressure above 35 bar (or 507 psi). Systems ranging between these two figures are defined as intermediate pressure systems (according to NFPA 750 and FM 5560, two North American standards). VdS see that slightly different. In their guideline 3188 they say that there are merely two systems: low pressure systems that remain below 16 bar (or 232 psi) and high-pressure systems that exceed 16 bar.
These two aspects and many more are explained in this video.