Spectrex SharpEye 20/20-MI IR3 Non-Atex Flame Detector
The 20/20-MI offers one of the highest false alarm immunities in the non-EX range of flame detector while being capable of detecting hydrocarbon fuel and gas fires up to 40 meters distance. This performance is achieved by placing all infra-red sensors in the invisible spectrum of a fire. With FM performance approvals on more than 10 substances the unit is keeping a SharpEye on your safety in many application!
At the heart of the Spectrex 20/20-MI lies the remarkable Triple IR technology. Unlike conventional flame detectors that use single or dual-wavelength IR sensors, this system integrates three infrared sensors, which enable it to detect fires with unparalleled precision and sensitivity. By honing in on the 4.5-micron spectral band, the unit optimizes its response to the characteristic emissions of various hydrocarbon-based fires.
- Fire Detection