Each of the Nodes in the Octo+ has in its internal configuration memory the complete information of the whole system, i.e. in the unlikely event of a loss of communication, there is no degradation in performance of individual Nodes.
The CHAMELEON networking protocol uses fully redundant physical layers which can use either RS422 or Fibre optic mediums. It can also use Ethernet interfaces which enable using the existing networking infra structure.
The OCTOPLUS can be expanded up to 32 Nodes and each one of those can support from 1 to 4 addressable loops, giving a total of 128 loops in a single system! It can naturally also communicate with our proprietary ODYSSEY Graphics Interface, as well as with third party Building Management Systems through a Modbus output.
- Standalone panel up to 4 loops
- Networked system up 128 loops
- Chameleon Peer-to-Peer Advanced Networking Protocol up to 32 Nodes
- Loop capacity: 125 detectors/callpoints/modules & up to 96 sounders
- LCD display: Graphic 240x64 pixels
- Support for non-European languages (Mandarin, Arabic, Hindu, Urdu, Farsi, etc.)
- USB connection for fast PC communication (Single Point Programming for entire P2P network)
- Built-in Fire & Fault relays PC Graphics data output
- Seamless web integration using GFE-TCP-WEB
- Increased cause effect programming
> Customizable delay options
> Logic functions between zones/devices
> 1024 programmable zones
> 1024 programmable IO groups
> 1024 programmable Sounder groups
> Event Log with 10000 entries (FIFO)
- Built-in programmable INPUTS
- Switched auxiliary supply output
- Emergency Lighting
- Fire Detection