Expertly designed for the safe storage of lithium-ion batteries, aluminium storage cases are an efficient solution for protecting against the risk of fire.
The strong aluminium construction keeps the case light enough to be portable but strong enough to retain complete integrity should an event occur. Corrosion resistant and durable, with a convenient carry handle mounted on the lid, it can be easily lifted and carried by just one individual. Should a battery enter thermal runaway, the combination of vents fitted with flame arrestors allow for the controlled release of pressure without the risk of ensuing flame.
The storage case can be combined with Firechief's PyroFlow™ Passive granules as a thermally stable packaging filler. If a battery should catch fire, the PyroFlow™ will melt, absorb the heat and form an impermeable shell around the fire load – encapsulating it from further reaction. During thermal runaway a mixture of toxic gases are released which can pose a serious toxic threat, so it’s essential to limit the release of these as much as possible – which PyroFlow™ will also do.
- Fire Prevention
- Passive Fire Prevention